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The worker's accommodation and welfare arrangement shall be regularly inspected by the camp management. A comprehensive audit by the project Health and Safety and Welfare team are vital in order to ascertain the requirement has complied with its regular maintenance. Many companies and projects ignore the importance of workers' welfare and mental and physical health. An unhealthy facility and workers' welfare significantly change the worker's responsibility towards the company, their job, decrease in production, accidents, timelines, fuelling violence, etc. Many companies ignore the basic requirement which will play an important role in winning quality, safety, and target of a project and company growth.    
A scheduled inspection of the worker's accommodation and welfare arrangement shall be sustained and inspection can be divided into multiple sections such as Accommodation/ rooms, Fire safety, food safety management, Dining and washing, Welfare and Recreation, Internet, and Computers Management Governance, and General arrangement, etc. Following is a sample Health and Safety report and the major concerns that could lead to a major occurrence in the worker's accommodation and the camp.

Health and Safety inspection report
Your company Logo
Company Name & Address
Letter References:(Insert here) 
Recipient Company Name 
Attention: Name and Position 
Project: Project name and details 
Project ID: (Insert Here) 
Contract No: (Insert Here) 
Location: (location of violation) 

Subject: Workers' accommodation and welfare inspection 

Workers' accommodation and welfare of the contractor for the XX-XX-00-00 project evaluation has been carried out by Health and Safety team accompanied by Camp Management representatives, Welfare, Health and Safety representatives on XX XX XXX as per the project requirement and local regulations. 
Below are the major non-conformance has been observed during the welfare audit that needs urgent attention from the camp management: -  
  1. The fire detection installed throughout the workers, staff accommodation, and other facilities provided is not functional. Further, the third-party inspection for fire detection is observed as overdue. 
  2. The fire main installed with the detected water supply and diesel-driven jockey pumps are not serviceable through the random checks performed at different accommodation blocks. And observed no evidence of periodic checks by Camp Management. 
  3. The number of workers’ accommodation rooms was found over-packed with clothes and other combustible materials. Further, observed cooking and heating equipment such as multiple electric kettles, electric stoves, and other cooking utensils, etc. are evidence that there is cooking in the rooms of the accommodation as it substantiates a worker caught cooking in room B-0X during the inspection. High risk of fire hazards where the fire detection and fire main are unserviceable. 
  4. Excessive use of electric extension cords was found in most of the rooms inspected which then overloaded with charging, electric kettles, and other electric items plugged in which the power supply is not turned off after use.
  5. The XX-XX-00-00 Camp has provided two kitchens using multiple burners and LPG cylinders are not ensured the fire precautions as per local Workers' accommodation and welfare fire safety requirements. 
  6. The absence required number of fire wardens in the camp does not meet the ratio of residents in the camp. Two fire warden assigned to the list is site-based not dedicated to the camp accommodation.
  7. The camp accommodation has no clinic but a first aid station available that found inattentive and no full-time medical staff where the camp has more than 500 occupants.  
As per the above observations of XX-XX-00-00 Workers, camp accommodation was found under a great risk of a fire hazard and lack of health care. Hence the Camp Management shall ensure immediate and significant action to mitigate non-conformances as per the requirements of local legislation. Camp Management shall conduct thorough inspections periodically at the camp accommodation by a responsible and competent welfare team along with the safety team to avoid occurring non-conformities. Camp Management shall respond with the corrective action for the follow-up inspection no later than 0 days.

Yours faithfully, 
For and on behalf of
Your company names
Your name of project lead name and
CC: Mentioned the name of the person and department to be Carbon Copied to this letter.

This report will give you a basic idea for further modification and help the safety officer lone handling a site and struggling to draft a detailed letter to the contractor, subcontractor, department, manager, or worker in charge. The location, the mode of operation, and the environment may vary as per the scope of work and the geography of the workplace. 

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