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Unsafe performs of construction activities in the public zone without considering the public safety and security, the focused areas are on (location inspected). 

The said location is occupied by villas, a school, and busy public traffic entailing pedestrians and motorists. These issues were previously mentioned (if not or it is an initial inspection rearrange the phrase) in the last project HSE/Safety progress meeting and through in daily observations and hazards tracking sheet or report. Even though there is no productive action was taken until now and that made to issue a Safety Violation Report / HSE enforcement notice to the contractor for immediate and significant action right away. 

The key concerns are the villas/residential apartments have occupants including their children. Most of our construction zones near the locations are could easily accessible by them as the workplace is lacking recommended barriers, fencing, signage, and security provisions. Once an unauthorized entry occurs to the work zone from adjacent to the residential area or by the public pedestrians they could endanger to a fall of deep excavation/trenches, contact with equipment, slip trip and fall by the scattered material, etc. 

During the night, the risk will upsurge, since the areas are fully open and accessible to anyone at the site as stated above. The major challenge is the children playing near and around areas will find themselves very curies to know the new things in the construction place, it will lead to a major accident. There are many numbers of incidents reported in the region involving children. Further, it could lead to severe consequences to the project and project team including companies’ goodwill. 
Following are the other critical observations during the inspection by the HSE/Safety officer or engineer that need immediate rectification without an extension of time: 
  1. The road temporary barrier placed on the edge of the excavation is without a safety buffer. If any accidental contact with the vehicle or public transport to the barrier will further fall into the excavation. And the edge could collapse during the rainy season adding surplus weight to the edge.
  2. The access to the villa/residential apparent through to the construction site is obstructed by solid wastes.
  3. Lack of fencing and inappropriate barriers could lead to unauthorized entry to the site, during the night and the risk will double when the kids are around.
  4. Improper security access control, to restrict the unauthorized entry of the public to the construction zone. The trampoline provided shall be replaced with recommended barriers and fences as per contract requirements.
  5. Absence of additional safety measures for the construction of the zone near the school where a potential entry of unauthorized parking in the construction zone and potential of any entry by school children considering an unattended site during off-hours.
  6. No safety buffer is provided behind the hoardings near the motorway to the villa /residential zone. If any accidental contact by public traffic could fall into the excavation where contractor worker is performing their duties in the excavation and behind the inferior fencing.
  7. The absence of safety signage to address the mode of activities and the risk involved both to the workers and to the public (such as a warning, directional, informative, hazard explained and best practices, etc.)
After the inspection, a meeting was held at the office with the concerned management and their representative responsible for the construction zone near the public zone. The above concerns are discussed in the meeting and the following control measures are agreed upon for immediate rectification; 
  1. All the excavations and construction zones must be fenced off and shall have a provision to close with full-time security access control. 
  2. The access roads must be properly protected/barrier off with interlocking concrete barriers as per project contractual requirement (check the contractual requirement and specify the clauses here) with appropriate safety buffer, and terrain stability considering pedestaling access to the public. 
  3. Access roads must be free of construction materials, waste, accumulation of water, parking construction equipment, etc. 
  4. All zones must be fully enclosed ensuring full restriction of any unauthorized entry day and night appointing a security personal 24x7 for monitoring. 
  5. The permanent road and temporary access provided shall be properly treated/maintained throughout the completion works. 
  6. A daily inspection shall be carriers out before and after the works at the location by the construction supervisor that shall be verified by the HSE/Safety officer or engineer. 

This report will give you a basic idea for further modification and help the safety officer lone handling a site and struggling to draft a detailed letter to the contractor, subcontractor, department, manager, or worker in charge. The location, the mode of operation, and the environment may vary as per the scope of work and the geography of the workplace. 
This sample letter is drafted without a salutation and complimentary close. The draft consists only of the main content or the message to be passed on.

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